Single Mode (SM) Diode Laser Driver and TEC Controller
Driver device for driving standard “butterfly” type pump laser diodes and easy TEC temperature control. The temperature and current values to be driven can be adjusted by touch on the panel screen and the operation of the diode will be carried out easily.
Multi-Mode MM Diode Laser Controller
A current driver device that enables high current MM pump diodes to be driven easily by the user, and the amount of current can be determined on the panel. The user will be able to determine the current value and the desired current value will be provided by the device precisely for the laser diode.
Single Mode (SM) Laser Welding
SM laser output at a desired central wavelength such as 976 nm, 1064 nm, 1525 nm – 1580 nm (a fixed wavelength) will be provided to the user as CW at the power level determined from the panel via the optical connector on the device.